1 Mom: I think you have too much junk in your room. Why don’t you clean up right now? Mark: Junk? There is no junk. __________ Mom: How about these empty boxes and broken mugs? Mark: They are for my art class. 109 統測
A We can ask for help.
B You can say that again.
C It’s too late to clean up.
D I keep things for a reason.
媽: 我覺得你有太多垃圾在房間裡。為什你不馬上清理乾淨呢? Mark: 垃圾? 這裡沒有垃圾。我保留東西是有原因的。 媽: 這些空盒子和破掉的馬克杯呢? Mark: 它們是美術課要用的。
We can ask for help. 我們可以尋求幫助。
You can say that again. 你說得很對。
It’s too late to clean up.
I keep things for a reason. 我保留東西是有原因的。
Stay out of it. (你別管)